Why the focus on education?
Samantha taught her first summer camp the summer of 1999, 7 months pregnant with a 2yr old in tow. A friend asked if she would be the 2nd adult in a sweet little camp she was running. Sam had a blast, it was exhausting, but she had so much fun! She knew then that she wanted to incorporate education into their very (at that time) nebulous farm plan.
As Scott and Samantha's farm evolved and their children grew, Samantha started offering more camps to more kids focusing on themes that meant something to her (and would entertain their personal kids).
All Bull City Farm's camps focus on the animals with a slight twist for the afternoon activities. They've have done everything from stop motion animation films to play production to group games to homestead crafts, but Samantha's favorites are Cow and Story Camps. Now she works alongside her eldest to provide some of the most creative farming camps around.
It doesn’t just end there, once you been bitten by the teaching bug it bleeds into all parts of your business! From chatting to our customers about the importance of sustainability, to discussing farming trials and tribulations with our fellow farmers, we see knowledge as something to be shared with your community.
Farm Days
Adult Classes
Whether you're looking to start livestock farm, starting a backyard coop, see homesteading in your future or just love to learn, we've got a whole slate of interesting classes for you this Spring. With our new classroom we have plenty of room to distance and stay safe.
This year we're offering more than just Cheesemaking and Sausage making, we've got something for everyone.
Have a question about classes?
The Family
11am~ 4pm
Anyone who knows me even slightly knows how much I love my Jersey cows. They are by far my favorite animals on the farm.
In this session you'll learn:
*what to look for in your newest family member
*what to feed them and where to get it
*common ailments
*how to safely collect and store their milk
*calf care
*what to look for in a bull
*safe handling
*the importance of good genetics

You'll go home with the knowledge and confidence to get your first cow (or just have fun learning and leave the milking to us:)

Sausage MakinG
11am~ 4pm
There is nothing like the smell of sausages sizzling on the stove top but there is a world of flavor that just isn't typically available at the grocery store or farmers' market. Have you ever wished you knew how to create your own signature seasoning? Once you understand the base you'll be ready to experiment with spices and fillers to craft a blend that will impress friends and family. In this workshop we'll take you through the process of making linked sausages. We'll cover grinding, incorporating your special mixes and then finally stuffing the sausages and forming the links. We'll visit the hogs on our farm and talk about the importance of meat quality and the merits of our different breeds.You'll go home with the left overs from the day's experiments and meat from our hogs to make more sausages at home.
Cheese Making
10am to ~4pm
Making cheese in your kitchen is much easier than you might first think. This class covers all of the basics and will provide a framework for further experimentation. Taught by Bull City Farm’s own Samantha Gasson you will share in her 20 years of home and production cheese making successes and failures. We’ll start with a basic overview including milk quality, bacterial cultures, coagulants and techniques designed to get you started on your own cheese making journey. You will leave with the ingredients (except the milk) necessary to make your first batch of homemade mozzarella.

A light lunch will be provided including a salad, bread, cheese and a sampling of our pastured meats. We'd love it if you brought an example of what you were looking for in a good cheese to share.
We will tour the farm as the cheese making process allows so please bring shoes you don't mind getting dirty. While we will be outside we ask that non-vaccinated individuals mask up. Masks are optional for those who are vaccinated.

Poultry Processing 101
10am to ~4pm
Everything you wanted to know about processing pasture raised meat birds.
This hands on class will cover:
*humane slaughter
*breaking down your chicken into cuts.
This class is for anyone interested in raising and processing their own birds, starting a pastured poultry operation or just interested in the journey of their Bull City Farm birds.Plus, you'll go home with the fruits of your labor.